Mr. Warner is a registered architect with 30 years of architectural and facility planning experience.
Warner Concepts has proven to be of top quality and very dependable. Always on time and great campaign guidance.
- Larry Elliott , Switzerland of Ohio
During Mr. Warner’s tenure as Vice-President of his previous firm, he served as the primary contact with the Ohio School Facilities Commission [OSFC] regarding the development and implementation of the Design Manual. As one of the original authors, he has been part of the manual update team since 1999. Mr. Warner’s primary role was the development of the Program of Requirements for K-12 schools.
In 2000, the Career Technology supplement was compiled by a team of planners and architects. Mr. Warner, along with representatives from the Ohio School Facilities Commission, Steed Hammond Paul, and Planning Advocates, developed the Program of Requirements for the Career Technology Supplement as well as detailed information for each instructional and support space.
In 2003, Mr. Warner, in conjunction with a representative from Bovis Lend Lease, developed and implemented the Program of Requirements for Comprehensive High Schools housing career technology programs.
As President of WARNER Concepts, LLC., Mr. Warner has worked with OSFC on the 2011 Design Manual update. Since the implementation of the Design Manual, Mr. Warner has participated in the manual’s yearly update process.
In addition to the work on the Design Manual, Mr. Warner has interfaced with OSFC and school districts to complete numerous strategic facilities and educational planning studies, enrollment projection reviews, capacity calculations, and students with disabilities studies for districts throughout the state.